The Heavenly Vision, Part 2

January 13 

The Heavenly Vision, Part 2

Proverbs 29:18  “Where there is no vision, the people perish”

 Vision..Perception, to perceive, revelation.  God’s plan must be perceived, revealed to be planted in our hearts.
“…the people perish”  Exposed, set at naught, uncovered.
They are put in danger, they’ll go, but with no direction, they’ll be devoured by the enemy.
Every church with no vision eventually dies.
Vision for a church comes as we are obedient to everything we have already been given.  Maybe nursing home, youth outreach or visiting the sick.
Church vision is usually very general because we must flow together.  Some won’t catch it as quickly as others.
Future prophetic vision must be allowed time to come to fruition.  For example, don’t send three prophetic teams to Africa next week just because God said some would go.
One of the main reasons God gives vision is so we can prepare ourselves for His service properly.
Humility is a prerequisite to vision, a local church cannot follow God’s true vision, His will without unity.  There’s no unity without humility.
A humble person does not have to add to or take away from what God speaks to His people.
Those who add to what God says have corrupted His word and made it a lie.
We must have a clear word from God, not man’s opinions.
VISION is imparted by the Holy Spirit.  Obeying it should be our objective.

We must be faithful to what God speaks, not… “disobedient to the heavenly vision”
